Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Failure to Render Aid

Back in November a San Antonio man was convicted of failing to render aid to a friend. This story was pretty sad. Their car was re-ended on the freeway and the driver went home, leaving his passenger there to die.

This is setting a bad precedence. A Police Officer isn’t forced by law to help anyone, why should a normal person? Could this go from calling for help, to rendering first aid, to failing to help in a fight? I hope not. It’s my choice to help or not help someone. I carry a first aid kit and will help if I can. If it’s a robbery or worst, my family’s safety comes first. Once they are safe, I’ll help anyone else I can. The family comes first, always.

Have you put your life’s priorities in order? Do you know what comes first? I have mine, and it’s really simple; God, family, friends, country. Sit down, put yours in order, and then live by it.

Stay Safe,


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Seasons Greeting

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May you have a blessed and safe season.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

News Media Madness

Jake Tapper at ABC recently tweeted “I would legitimately like to know if any tweeps who live near the Colorado supermax worry about terrorist attacks.”

Are you kidding? Sounds like he couldn’t find some “Expert” to say the Supermax Prison in Colorado would become a legitimate terrorist target, so he is looking for citizens to create a fear so we will watch his “special report.”

This is what the legitimate news media is coming to. It’s really sad. Just watch news reports with a skeptic eye and look for the source of what is said.

I no longer watch any news, because what takes them 10 minutes to report on, you can read the facts on their own web site in two paragraphs.

Stay Safe,


Friday, December 4, 2009

White House Party Crashers!

This entire situation is almost laughable, if it wasn’t so serious.

After doing high-level security for over a year in Iraq, I have a pretty good idea how this happened. It went something like this:

  • These two weren't on the guest list
  • A Secret Service Agent tried to stop them
  • They made a scene arguing
  • A member of the White House Staff said let them in
  • The Agent decided it would be better at the moment (normally because the person taht said let them in is threatening their job)
  • Unfortunately these people will yell, scream, throw a fit, and threaten (and try) to take your job. It does happen, everyone from Sgts. to Generals have yelled at me for enforcing security regulations.

Unfortunately the Agent has been put on leave, even-though the person on the President’s staff that ordered the Agent to violate security should be fired.

It’s hard to explain unless you have done it. When you work for a good company and client, they will defer to you because you are the expert. But other companies and clients will micro manage you and then violate security not even knowing that they are doing something wrong, and not caring because they think it it’s their job or responsibility.

Now, congress needs to stay out of this situation. Secret Service knows what they are doing; they are the best of the best. It probably took Secret Service 15 minutes to figure out what happened and to correct it. They have been protecting the President for over 100 years. It will take a Congressional Committee months to figure out what happened.

Congress, IT’S NOT YOUR JOB, maybe you should be reading the Health Care bill instead of investigating something you have no knowledge of, legal authority in, or time to do.

Stay Safe,


PS Maybe it’s time we vote these clowns in congress out and get some new ones.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A New Greatest Generation

No Way!

This is not the next "Greatest Generation." People are talking about it, but we are not. I'm part of this generation of soldiers who fights terrorism, and will continue to do so. We are better trained, equipped, and experienced then the soldiers in WWII. The war they waged was more fearsome then what is happening now.

I was told by a WWII Marine that I was part of the greatest Marines ever, and I told him no. We argued about who would buy who a drink that night and shared "war stories." I fought in Iraq during the invasion; he fought on Iwo Jima, Saipan, and Okinawa. The tenacity and resolve those Marines had were 1,000 times more then what I needed to survive and win in Iraq. They are still (and probably always will be) the Greatest Generation.

I know they are the greatest, because I read their books and reports to learn how to fight. About what equipment needed to do, and about leadership, marksmanship, and teamwork. They paved the way for what I was able to create. In fact the last book I read before going to battle was "Guns Up!" It was about a Marine Machine Gunner in WWII.

So I defer to the WWII Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, and Marines as the Greatest Generation, and would like others to stop branding me as the greatest generation, I don't even come close.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Duty and Oath

I just finished reading "Why terrorism works" by Alan Dershowitz. In the book he says it's the duty of the military to follow their leaders and the President without question, ever. Dershowitz is a law professor and, I imagine, teaches his law students this. Law students become politicians and want to command the military and law enforcement officers. I'm starting to see this attitude from our President, Congress, and Senate more and more.

I was in the United States Marine Corps for 10 years and my duty was to defend the Constitution against all enemies.

I would like our military, police, and civil servants to remember that your duty is to the Constitution of the United States, not a person, leader, or government official.

Check out this website and sign up to reaffirm your duty to the Constitution. Check out the video on the home page. It's a little long, but is worth the 10 minutes, and it will remind you of what our government may do under extreme circumstances.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thank God It’s Monday

Ever said that before? I was saying it yesterday. I had a long week last week, and this week will be better. Last week everything seemed to need attention now, and nothing seemed to get done. It was overwhelming. This week is already going better. Saturday and Sunday I took an instructor class with great people, yesterday I actually got things checked off my list, and today I’m going to a seminar on business with two great friends.

This week will be better! I’m setting that goal for at least the rest of the year. I’m going to make every week better then the last!

Have a good week, and make next week better.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Media at Ft. Hood Shooting?

I listened to reports last night and spent the morning reading the major news media's pieces on the shooting. I was appalled by the tragic attack and was almost as sick with the media coverage. What is known at the point I write this could be summed up in less then a paragraph, yet the mainstream media goes on for hours. They make up things like ABC local guy saying, "Sniper M16 rifle was used." I couldn't figure out where this stuff was coming from.

Reading the reports this morning I see that a lot of the background noise is coming from Twitter and Face Book. Major news media sources are literally doing a search on network media sites to have something to report. They just use things like “sources say...” That source was someone's tweet that they don’t even bother to verify.

Other things are just made up on the spot. When reports came out about the shooter using 2 handguns the talking heads said "Two presumably 9mm handguns where used in the attack." The have no evidence or indication that it was two 9mm’s. They just said it without any background on why.

How does any of this qualify as news? I have to admit, because of personal experience in Iraq and first hand accounts from fellow service members, I have a bias towards the media. As time goes on, I'm not sure which is worst, Politicians or the General Media.

Any one in the News Media, I challenge you not to except this crap and stand up for what's right and the truth. That’s news I’d watch. Everyone else, I challenge you to confirm what the people are saying by listening for the source to be given. Unfortunately you cannot accept everything the media says as true because sometimes they make up the news as they go along.

Prey for those involved in this tragedy.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Be Over Prepared

The Boy Scout Motto is “Be Prepared.” I think a better idea is to be over prepared.

In Marine Boot Camp we studied for the final written exam so much that I had the book memorized (yes there is a written exam to graduate boot camp). When the exam came, it was easy and most of us scored 100%. Not because it was easy, but because we were so prepared that you could have asked us anything out of the basic book and we new it.

A simple example is that when you get a flat tire, if you have the know how, parts, equipment, and AAA, it becomes just an inconvenience. If you don’t have the knowledge, parts, or AAA (or AAA won’t come), then you are in big trouble.

If you make yourself prepared for the worst that could happen, then little things become an inconvenience.

Work to be over prepared for life and things that derail other people will become and inconvenience to you.

Stay Safe,


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gun Collections

The media is always saying, “oh my god, look at how many guns and how much ammunition that person has!”

It really isn’t that many. Ladies, how many purses do you have? Guys, how much sports stuff do you have? That is how many guns a shooter has. Then he has ammunition for all of them. The ammunition becomes like extra food in the pantry. It’s on sale, so I’ll use it eventually. Do that for a couple years, and how much do you end up with?

The news doesn’t tell the entire truth. Find out the whole story before you say, “oh my God!”

What should you be worried about in gun collections when you see them on the news? Worry if there is over 100,000 rounds of ammunition, and/or if someone has dozens of the exact same gun (if they show pictures and it looks like they are all exact copies).

If there is nothing else but some guns on the news, it’s a slow news day and they are trying to build fear so you will watch.

My company’s motto is part of what this blog is about, “No one should live in fear!” The way to do that is knowledge.

Continue to learn and be a student for the rest of your life. Learn the entire story from the news before making a decision.

Stay Safe,


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Swine Flu, Protect Yourself, It’s Easy!

What do you do every year to protect yourself and your family from the flu? That is what you should do for Swine Flu (H1N1). The media is over hyping this because it’s news you will watch. You wouldn’t watch the truth, it’s to boring and really non eventful.

Remember the news makes stories so you will watch or read with the truth in there somewhere.

Here are some simple truths about Swine Flu:
- It is harder to contract then the normal flu.
- It is less deadly then the normal flu.
- It is only unusual because three different animals can get it (Pigs, Birds, and Humans). All formally known flu bugs could only be in two out of three.

Something to thing about;
- Remember how deadly the bird flu was here a couple years ago?
- It normally takes years for any vaccine or medicine to get on the market, how is there a vaccine already?

Here are simple things you can do:
- Wash your hands.
- Don’t hang out with people that are sick.
- If you normally get a flu shot, get one, if not, don’t.
- Don’t worry about it. Chances of it killing you are about the same as you following down the stairs and killing yourself.

If you want more information check out the CDC’s website ( to get information. But read it all, the CDC isn’t much better then the news. You have to look close at their data to know that it’s not that bad.

If you need something else to calm you down I really enjoyed listening to Jack Spirko rant about this. You can listen to his POD cast at

Stay Safe,


Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 We shall never forget.

September 11 should be a time to remember all those lost to the war on terror. Starting with almost 3,000 lost in New York. This is a number that will continue to climb. "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." and will continue to be long after we are gone. If you want to give up doing that vigilance, you will give up your freedom. It's a high cost, and one that should be remembered and practiced.

I shall never forget where I was and what I was doing that day. But more importantly I will never forget how I felt, how a country can be stopped, with everything closed. Then the days after, watching the acts of heroism come out of New York, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania, I was filled with pride for our country. We the people will not be defeated! Then the coming months of unity were awesome. No one was fighting over, or worrying about the stock market taking a dive, whether we should have national health care, or some other B.S. that people in Washington like to fight over and not get anything done. Finally the country was moving in one direction, united. It was an awe inspiring thing.

I miss those days following 9/11. How people were proud to be Americans, and how they were resolved never to let anything happen to our country. Let us, the people, pull back together and become a proud nation, one that can not be divided or destroyed from now until eternity.

Stay Safe,


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Domestic Violence

I read a couple things in the news this last week about domestic violence. The news didn't say call it that, but that is what it was. An "estranged husband" shoots his wife and wife's father in the head after an argument. A boyfriend throwing a brink and hitting a girl in the head and killing her.

Both sad, sad events. On my tips section of Modern Self Protection there are a couple things about noticing an abusive relationship at the beginning. Once you are in, there is a cycle of violence that will just get worst until it's broken with outside help, or someone is killed.

The Cycle looks something like this:

Normal Period
Either a healthy relationship or a growing anticipation of violence

Sparking Event
Either an argument or something small like the trash wasn't taken out.

The Abuse
One beats the other physically and mentally

Honeymoon Period
I'm sorry, it will never happen again. Normally girts and affection. The good parts of a relationship

Then back to the top - Normal

Please, if you are in an abusive relationship get help. If you know or think you know someone is in an abusive relationship help them.

Stay Safe,


Friday, July 24, 2009


My friend (CadillacZak) recently asked on his blog "Who are your heroes?" Growing up my heroes were cops and soldiers. Now that I'm grown I can't answer the question as easily. Now I look up to lots of people. Anyone that fights for this country and it's freedoms, are still my heroes. But I look up to just about everyone that is better at something then I am. Some very simple, like a neighbor who is a good father and husband.

I think heroes are anyone that we try and emulate. I'm hoping if you are grown that your heroes are no longer sports or movie stars (unless you know them personally).

The point is, you should pick your heroes intentionally. You should look around in your life and find which people you would like to be like, and spend time with them.

Stay Safe,


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Horrific Crime

On July 16, in north Austin, nine coworkers got together at one of their homes. One of the employees was followed home by someone that was looking to do wrong. He got friends together and they kicked in the door and started shooting and beating the guests. How terrifying for the people inside. Four ended up in the hospital and many things were taken from the house. Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt. (Read the News Story Here)

My passion is to stop crimes like this from happening, not by shooting it out, or fighting like Steven Seagal in a movie. With a couple little things this whole entire crime could have been avoided. It's a little CIA spy stuff, but super simple, here's how...

1. Be aware of people around you (watch for cars following you from work). If something feels wrong, it probably is.

2. Check your suspicion. Drive around the same block a couple times. If the same car follows you around the block, then you know, if the car leaves, you didn't lose anything.

3. If someone is following you, Don't Go Home! Go to a crowded place, a police station, or call the police. That's what they are paid for! It could be work (police can be busy sometimes) and time for you, but the alternative could be the above story.

Most criminals are looking for an easy target. If you are aware and drive around most will leave. Be a harder target and keep yourself out of trouble.

Stay Safe,


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Be Prepared!

The Boy Scout Motto. Seems to work on everything. I seem to be over prepared and people make fun of me for carrying to much stuff. Today I went to a shooting competition, and someone violated safety rule number 3 (keep you finger straight and off the trigger until you intend to fire). He put his finger on the trigger as he drew his weapon, and discharged a round into his leg. Luckily he wasn't hurt badly, through and through without hitting a bone. Just a flesh wound.

I heard the calls come down the line looking for a medic. When no one answered, I grabbed my first aid kit and went. There was a couple people with some skills. I never thought I would be the only one with advanced first aid skills and (more importantly) a good first aid kit.

It was easy, someone called 911, myself and a local county sheriff shooting the competition, patched him up and waited for EMS. They got there and he left. Not a problem this time because the wound was so minor. If it had been bad and I hadn't had a first aid kit, it could have been bad for this person.

Moral of the story, be prepared. I talked with the sheriff for a while after EMS arrived. He said when he was on duty he always carried a personal first aid kit when on duty, the county didn't give him one. No one seems prepared, are you?

Make sure you know what to do and have what you need to do it.

Stay Safe,


Thursday, June 18, 2009


I've started using it (expatben) and enjoy reading it and posting sometimes, but this stuff should be used with care. When I was in the Green Zone in Iraq last year I was almost killed by a rocket meant for Condoleezza Rice. Just because she was about a mile away giving a speech. It was a scheduled visit and was just the way it is. No one was killed by that rocket because whoever launched it forgot to put the war head on it, idiots.

Later last year a Senator (I won't say which one), Twittered that he was in Iraq at Baghdad Airport and that his phone was working. When a high level official go to a war zone, their visits are unannounced for there safety and the safety of the people around them. Most of the time it is part of his security detail that will pay with lives for slip ups in security (this is why pros don't want senators to have classified material, they can't keep their mouth shut). Someone will try to kill the senator and the security team will stop them at all costs. One of those costs could be the life of someone on the detail.

Must of us won't have that much security to worry about, but you should not post to the world when and where you are going. Know your media. If anyone can see what you post, then don't post realtime info about where you are and how long you will be there (Post after you left). On sites like MySpace that you can let only approved people see your posts, make sure you haven't let anyone that you don't know personally to see posts about where you are and where you are going.

Clark Howard just did a story about how criminals are following these sites to see when people aren't home to burglerize your house. They are also using what you post to do identety theft. So be careful what you post.

Read more at ModernSelfProtection Blog

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Why Is everyone Carrying a Gun?

This is the question a police officer asked me after I was pulled over for speeding on my bike (I got a warning, and I was only keeping up with heavy traffic).

I have a Carry Permit here in Texas and was asked this because the Cop said every biker he pulled over today was carrying a gun. I smiled and said I don't know, I just always carry mine.

My smart question to him would have been, Why not? Every year thousands and thousands of bikers come to Austin for the ROT Rally. There is always a couple deaths from bike accidents (lots involve drinking and driving) but there is hardly any violence. I wonder why that is when everyone carries a gun? Common sense? Bikers are good people? or the obvious to me, no one wants to rob someone with a gun.

There was a survey done to inmates a while back, I think in California about what they were most afraid of when committing a crime. The vast majority said the victim having a gun. They aren't afraid of the Cops, or System, just the armed citizen. I hope they fear that forever.

Be one of the people the criminals fear! Maybe with a gun, maybe not. Learn how to defend yourself. If everyone started defending themselves when attacked, there would be nothing to be gained by criminals. LEARN HOW TO DEFEND YOURSELF, don't be a victim, let the criminals fear the good people of this world.

Stay Safe,


PS Want to read more go to and click on blog.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Two Weeks, and Counting!

My boy is two weeks old today, and he is already growing a personality. It's great! He likes lights right now. How easily amused kids can be. I hope it stays that way. Now I just have to worry about keeping him safe. The work begins. We do the normal things,

- Keep him with is

- Lock the doors

- Set the alarm

- use the baby monitors

But there is always more that can be done, and as he gets older and more widgets come out to help us, I'll test and evaluate them. Just remember that nothing can be bought to replace a good parent!

Stay Safe


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Home at Last!

Having a new kid makes my personal security more on my mind. Like everyone, I want to protect my kid. Since I have practiced security my entire life, that part isn't the hard part. The lack of sleep is the problem. It's something you can get use to. You just have to concentrate more, and think more. Hard to do when you're tired. More then concentrate, you have to recognize the fact that you are tired and work accordingly. Stay out of bad areas, and situations, drive less, and listen to your instincts.

Stay Safe,


Friday, May 29, 2009

Baby Time!

Well it finally happened. The baby is here. Now we are stuck in the hospital for a couple days. Just the first sacrifice for a new child. Spending the time with the wife is great, and the new kid is a wonder. I keep telling the nurses he's a genius. I konw he's not, but it's fun to see the nurses' reactions to it.

Have fun where ever you are!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Missed Opportunities

Missed Opportunities happen every day.

Two days ago I met a guy at my local gym and he is looking for someone to train his son in self defense. I was disappointed and gave him some advice on what to look for. I should have found a way to sell myself on him and start teaching. Instead I told him I need two or three months more to finish my start up. I'm going to try and talk to him again in the next couple days.