Friday, May 16, 2008


Sleep when you are dead, is a term used quite often around here. There is always more work then will even be done, so you just try and put out the fires (those problems that come up that need to be handled right then, not burning fires). I've been sleep deprived for the last two weeks, and it's about to get me. I think I might not make it tomorrow. I might fall asleep on my feet. At least when I do sleep, it's good sleep. I'm so tired as soon as I look at my bed I'm asleep. Right now I have to stay awake while some of my men finish a project. It just wouldn't be right for me to sleep while they work. Even-though I will allow them to sleep late tomorrow and I have to be up in 5 hours right now. And that's only if everything goes right tonight. Last night I had to get up at 4:30. I hoping to sleep all the way until 6 tomorrow. We'll see. I still have a mountain of things that need doing, but all I can think about is sleep. So I thought I'd write something about it. You never know.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Simple Joys

Even in a combat zone some simple joys of life come. And sometimes those simple joys are bigger accomplishments here. Two days ago I gave a locally made filing cabinet to my men and asked them to put it together, since, as you know all “good” office furniture comes “some assembly required.” So I went back that night to get it and they said they weren’t finished. I went back the next night and the same thing. Today I went over during the day and the thing still wasn’t finished. In fact it looked the same as that first night. The IT guy staying there said it couldn’t be put together. Something must be wrong, and of course there were no instructions. So we spent the next two and a half hours working on this jig saw puzzle. We finished and we were as proud as if we just won a medal. The little joys in life can be enjoyed anywhere and you should appreciate them we they happen.