Friday, November 6, 2009

Media at Ft. Hood Shooting?

I listened to reports last night and spent the morning reading the major news media's pieces on the shooting. I was appalled by the tragic attack and was almost as sick with the media coverage. What is known at the point I write this could be summed up in less then a paragraph, yet the mainstream media goes on for hours. They make up things like ABC local guy saying, "Sniper M16 rifle was used." I couldn't figure out where this stuff was coming from.

Reading the reports this morning I see that a lot of the background noise is coming from Twitter and Face Book. Major news media sources are literally doing a search on network media sites to have something to report. They just use things like “sources say...” That source was someone's tweet that they don’t even bother to verify.

Other things are just made up on the spot. When reports came out about the shooter using 2 handguns the talking heads said "Two presumably 9mm handguns where used in the attack." The have no evidence or indication that it was two 9mm’s. They just said it without any background on why.

How does any of this qualify as news? I have to admit, because of personal experience in Iraq and first hand accounts from fellow service members, I have a bias towards the media. As time goes on, I'm not sure which is worst, Politicians or the General Media.

Any one in the News Media, I challenge you not to except this crap and stand up for what's right and the truth. That’s news I’d watch. Everyone else, I challenge you to confirm what the people are saying by listening for the source to be given. Unfortunately you cannot accept everything the media says as true because sometimes they make up the news as they go along.

Prey for those involved in this tragedy.


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