Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Duty and Oath

I just finished reading "Why terrorism works" by Alan Dershowitz. In the book he says it's the duty of the military to follow their leaders and the President without question, ever. Dershowitz is a law professor and, I imagine, teaches his law students this. Law students become politicians and want to command the military and law enforcement officers. I'm starting to see this attitude from our President, Congress, and Senate more and more.

I was in the United States Marine Corps for 10 years and my duty was to defend the Constitution against all enemies.

I would like our military, police, and civil servants to remember that your duty is to the Constitution of the United States, not a person, leader, or government official.

Check out this website and sign up to reaffirm your duty to the Constitution. Check out the video on the home page. It's a little long, but is worth the 10 minutes, and it will remind you of what our government may do under extreme circumstances.


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