Thursday, September 3, 2009

Domestic Violence

I read a couple things in the news this last week about domestic violence. The news didn't say call it that, but that is what it was. An "estranged husband" shoots his wife and wife's father in the head after an argument. A boyfriend throwing a brink and hitting a girl in the head and killing her.

Both sad, sad events. On my tips section of Modern Self Protection there are a couple things about noticing an abusive relationship at the beginning. Once you are in, there is a cycle of violence that will just get worst until it's broken with outside help, or someone is killed.

The Cycle looks something like this:

Normal Period
Either a healthy relationship or a growing anticipation of violence

Sparking Event
Either an argument or something small like the trash wasn't taken out.

The Abuse
One beats the other physically and mentally

Honeymoon Period
I'm sorry, it will never happen again. Normally girts and affection. The good parts of a relationship

Then back to the top - Normal

Please, if you are in an abusive relationship get help. If you know or think you know someone is in an abusive relationship help them.

Stay Safe,


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