Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Defending Children

The 16 year-old mother who left a dead baby at a fire station a couple months ago is being tried as an adult ( The teen-age parents left it on the doorstep late at night wrung the bell and left. A fireman looked out the window and didn’t see anything. The baby wasn’t discovered until hours later, dead.

This entire story is sad, but my heart always lies with small children. There was a probation officer involved that found out the baby was being beaten by the father, but nothing was done. No one stepped in to help. The system failed, and will now pick up the pieces, as it always does.

The mother, a long time drug addict, didn’t know what to do. I challenge everyone out there to help when, and where they can. Ask questions if you think neglect or abuse is going on and report it. Be persistent and patient with law enforcement, they are overwhelmed with cases. Your questions or reports could save a child’s life. Imagine if someone would have stepped in for this baby.

If you suspect child abuse or neglect call CPS at 800-252-5400 or

Stay Safe,


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