Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Danish Cartoonist Attacked, Again

The Danish Cartoonist who drew a cartoon of the Muslim Profit Mohammed with a bomb for a turban was attacked, again ( This time by a Somali man that has ties to different terrorist groups. The Somali man went after the Cartoonist with an axe at his home. The cartoonist ran to his panic room, locked the door, and called police. The police showed up and shot the attacker twice.

Two things of note in this case: 1) The cartoonist had a panic room to go to. 2) Everyone seems to be linked to Al Qaeda.

Good on the cartoonist for doing things right (he’s 74) and no one was hurt but the attacker/terrorist. The police shot the attacker twice while arresting him. He was charged with two counts of attempted murder, one on the cartoonist and one on a police officer.

Why is everyone linked to the terrorist group Al Qaeda? It’s like the 6 degrees of separation theory. Next the news will say local gangs have links to Al Qaeda. Not every terrorist group is linked to Al Qaeda.

Be like the cartoonist in this story. Prepare in advance and have a plan. It will help you stay alive.

Stay Safe,


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